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In the next pages you will find our collection, their code number and their ...screen name, with their transcription in the greek language.

Since you often ask us, we would like you to know how we spell them.

Everything is made of pure copper wires. Choose the color style you prefer. All colors apply to almost all styles:


  • Gold plated (24K gold)

  • Silver plated (925 silver)

  • Nickel plated

  • Pure copper



  • Painted with vitreous enamel on copper

  • Painted with vitreous enamel on silver plated

  • Ask about how to combine gold, silver, nickel and copper in the same jewel

Belts - Goddesses

Belts are our flagship jewels, that's why we named them after ancient Greek goddesses. Some of them are similar, as some of the goddesses were in the same family: Ívi and Elenthó were Hera's and Zeus' daughters, Sívilla and Déspina were Poseidon's daughters while Lámia was hid grand daughter, Réa had Íra (Hera) with Cronus; Dáphni was the only female who didn' t have a crash on Appolo (...)

Necklaces - Thespiades

The 50 daughters of Thespius, king of Thespiae in Boeotia. When Hercules was 17 years old, came to Cithaeron to save Thespius. The king, in order to honor Hercules and to take profit of him as he wanted strong descendants, offered him his daughters for the night. It is told that Hercules had sex with all 50 of them and nine months later Thespius had 50 grandsons…

Bracelets - Danaides

The 50 daughters of Danaus, king of Argos,from several wives. He agreed to the marriage of his daughters with the sons of Aegyptus in order to protect the local population from any battles. The daughters were ordered by their father to kill their husbands on the first night of their weddings and this they all did with the exception of one who felt in love with her husband. All the others got punished by the gods. It’s a long story…

Earrings - Hetaerae

They did not restrict themselves to offering sexual services but were kind of companions. In many ways comparable to Japanese geishas, they had a meticulous education that enabled them to take part in conversations with cultivated gentlemen. Alone amongst all Greek women, excepting Spartans, they were independent and could manage their own affairs.

Rings - Sirens

Dangerous yet beautiful creatures, portrayed as femmes fatales who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. They had women’s  head and bird feathers. They were considered goddesses connected to water, love and death. Remember Ulysses?

Cufflinks - Gods

This year, 2014, we launched our first mens collection. Stylish cufflinks, important accessories for men that take good care of their look. This first pair of cufflinks is inspired by the same nod of a classic collection of ours.

Greek gods were pretty naughty. The complexity of their personnalities is caught on our cufflinks.

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